Sunday, 21 June 2009

The nightmare before breakfast

Luca let us sleep in till 11:30 this morning. Happy fathers' day to you too, son. The only drawback to this rare and glorious pleasure is the vividly macabre dreams that morning-sleep brings.

This one involved a baby who was not exactly Luca (but at the same time was Luca, in that infuriating way dreams have). His face was blackened with bruises. He had been savagely beaten and the person who did it was still after us.

I was trying to get my family away from him. When he got close I variously fought him off with an iron, a laptop and a frying pan.

The dream had no coherent plot that I can remember, just a shuddering montage of my most terrifying insecurities writ large.

At one point Luca said his first word: 'fuck'.

Where do I get this stuff from?

I woke with my heart in my stomach. Then reality dawned: Mummy asleep next to me; Luca in the middle, slowly waking up with his customary squeaks and wriggles; the sun coming in through the window; a lazy Sunday beckoning. No bad guys, no swear words. Life is good.


  1. This was truly a nightmare, because NO BLOGGER would use their laptop to hit or defend anyone. It's our other "baby".

    Baby Luca you are so cute! My twins look to be about your age. They are 3 months old.

    Happy Father's Day Gabriel!

  2. Thanks Stesha. Pity the fool who comes between a geek and his laptop. Loving btw.

  3. Oh those morning dreams. They are just so weird.
